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Last edited by Chris Messina. 1 year, 1 month ago. As of January 2017, this page has been locked by Chris Messina, BarCamp co-founder. What to expect at a BarCamp. How to organize a barcamp. This page serves as the historical memory of BarCamp. Insert links to other pages or uploaded files. Insert a link to a new page. No images or files uploaded yet.
CONCORSO INTERNAZIONALE VOCI NUOVE DELLA LIRICA. Please fill the following form and register. Congo, The Democratic Republic of the. Heard Island and McDonald Islands. Iran, Islamic Republic of. Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of. Micronesia, Federated States of.
Attività promosse dal Settore Cultura della Città di Venezia.
In associazione con Endsummercamp APS. 28 Agosto - 2 Settembre 2018. We will wait for you at the ESC in Venice! Registrations are FREE and OPEN. ESC è un incontro non-profit di persone interessate al Software e Hardware Libero.
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